When real estate videos are crafted properly, they are a tool that can help sell a property and boost leads within a company. When an agent or company uses video real estate, it allows for a client to be immersed in a home from anywhere. Real estate videos can showcase a property in a more engaging perspective than real estate photography through the camera’s movement within the home.
Professional real estate videography adds a production value to a property and showcases more intimate details of a space that will appeal to a client. Real estate videos add value from a marketing perspective since they can expose the property for a more extended time period to possible buyers.
Utilizing real estate video is one of many opportunities a company should do. A video pulls in around 300% more web traffic, which will lead to more clients. There are many forms of video that you can do: introduction videos, walk through videos, drone listing videos, client testimonials, real estate video tours, apartment video tour, etc. This article will address the general approaches to fixing common errors made in real estate video.
Your Videos Are Too Long
A common mistake in making any video is making the video too long. The time in a real estate video is valuable in maintaining a client’s attention. The video should typically range from around thirty seconds to a minute to best display a home’s content without putting too much information in or leaving too much information out.
The video should feature the most sellable and vital parts of a space in an apartment video tour or real estate video tours. The video should encapsulate all that is important to the space concisely without adding any additional fluff.
Shorter videos allow for more engagement. Videos should exist in some spectrum between thirty to sixty seconds, but the cap on a video should be around three minutes. This time limit creates higher amounts of continuous engagement with a viewer.
You Need Professional Real Estate Videography
Unfortunately, your video quality may not be cutting it. Hiring a professional creates an investment in time and financials in the property you are trying to sell. 52% of people find the home they buy from internet sources, and if this is the case, your video needs to make a good impression. A real estate videographer will understand the best angles, lighting, and editing that fit the specific visual needs of a property.
A videographer can also easily portray the story of a home. Simple still shots of a kitchen may show a house, but the navigation of a kitchen through a real estate videographer’s lens allows the kitchen to be offered as an essential part of a home. Real estate video tours allow a client to see a home in the most intimate way possible without going to the listing.
A real estate videographer will also know how to combine a series of videos to create a straightforward story for a client to see. They can portray a home’s modernity, the classic style of a home, or even just the way an apartment can make you feel a part of city-living. Video real estate creates a narrative to a home that is hard to portray through images or even with a showing.
You Need to Create an Immersive Experience
Videos create an immersive experience that allows a client to feel the flow and movement of a home that cannot be captured within the still photos. Walk through videos are a prime example of real estate video tours that show this movement inside the house. Drone listing videos also help to market the exterior of a home and display how a buyer could see themselves in that community.
In this video walk through, the text gives a contextual description of what we could not draw from the video’s visual imagery. Text is used as a tool within video real estate to create a client’s sense of place. The video’s angles also allow the viewer to feel as if they are walking up the stairs or through the balcony in this apartment. This camera angle movement gives perspective to what a person may experience in their daily life in this space.
These videos allow for a client to experience a home in both its interior and surrounding spaces. In cities, the view an apartment or house has is something you can’t see on paper, but in an apartment video tour, an apartment’s view can entrance the viewer to the video. This perspective is why video is so important.
You Need to Focus on Real Estate Videos Marketing
85% of people looking to buy or sell a home would rather work with a real estate agent or company that uses these real estate videos within their marketing strategy. Real estate videos create a boost for a company, but they don’t work if they are not promoted to a client.
Real estate video marketing allows for an agent to do all sorts of things that they wouldn’t be able to do during a first interaction with the home. Not only is video a tremendous time saver with new deals, but it also creates an outreach program to expand your client base. Listings that have a video will receive 403% more interest than listings without video. A video gives an extensive advantage against competitors and brings more clients to you.
Youtube should be utilized in your video marketing. Creating a video is more complicated than some other forms of media, so the algorithm that Youtube has for videos weighs the videos at different levels. This makes it more likely to receive a higher amount of exposure by connecting Youtube and your other websites. As with anything posted on the internet for your business, focus on search engine optimization to help grow your following.
Using real estate videos will help you sell a listing and create a better face for your company. A combination of real estate videos and real estate photography will truly allow your client to see every part of the home they will love.